Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 11 - March 17

The theme of this week's training was forced rest, due to illness. Like most people, I have my ups and downs, not always performing at 100%, but its rare that I get ill to the point of being forced to lie down and little else. However, after not being at 100% prior to and after the Railrunner 10 miler last week, but remaining on my feet, I was finally brought to a halt this week, missing multiple workouts. Fortunately, after a few days of rest, I seem to be back on the upswing and easing back into training for the Run the Bluegrass half marathon, which is only a couple weeks away.

Running Distance: 15.87 miles
Total Time Training: 2:16

Tues AM: Hilly Mile Repeats
1 mile warm up, 4 x mile w/1/4 easy running between
7:29, 7:51, 7:20, 7:33

Sat AM: Easy Return Run
After being sidelined for a few days, due to illness I was finally itching to get back outside. By Saturday afternoon, spring like weather finally convinced me that stretching my legs for a few miles would be a good thing.

Sun AM: Easing Back Run
I was scheduled to run for 2 hours, at near half marathon pace for the last 30 minutes. However, the weather did a 180 degree turn from yesterday's 70 degrees and clear skies to today's near freezing temperatures and rainy conditions. Additionally, I did not want to push myself too hard after a forced break due to illness. The end result was 45 minutes easy and 15 minutes at 7:50 pace for a total of an hour run. Not a perfect run, but not bad considering the circumstances.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Railrunner 10 miler

The 2013 inaugural Railrunner 10 miler and 5k was held at RJ Corman's (railroad business) headquarters in Nicholasville, KY. Both races were held on Corman's private paved roads, and the 10 miler also included a run across Lucas Field (Corman's private airport). The course was relatively flat, but being located in Central Kentucky, it included some rolling terrain, and the airport added a bit of a challenge as well. 

Personally, I was not sure exactly what to expect. The weather was relatively ideal, in the upper 30s/lower 40s, but a bit breezy. I had been battling a bit of a cold or allergies, but once my adrenaline started pumping, I do not think it was too great of a factor. Also, I had never officially raced a 10 miler before. Based on my previous 10k and half marathon times, I decided that if I ran a sub-7:20 pace, I would be content. This would be a good warm up race for the Run the Bluegrass Half at the end of the month.

At the end, 360 participants completed the 10 miler, and 224 completed the 5k. My finishing time was 1:11: 10 (according to my Garmin), or 1:11:20 (according to the official chip time). It equaled a 7:08 pace, well within my targeted time, and was good enough for 26th overall, and 4th in my age group, while just seconds away from 3rd and 2nd, and a couple minutes short of 1st. I was satisfied, but also left to ponder what if..

Finsihing @ 51:50 mark

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 4 - March 10

Mon AM: Easy Run
3.01miles/26min/8:34 Pace

Mon PM: Core Strength
1) Bicyles
2) Hyperextensions w/hands under chin
3) Hello Darlings
4) Swimmers

Tue AM: Treadmill Intervals
4.75miles/40min/8:25 Pace
5x800@6:49Pace w/1 mile warmup & 400jog between

Wed AM: Strength
Strappers (multiple rounds for a total of 20min)
1) 6 Let Me Ups w/knees bent
2) 12 Alternating Side Lunges
3) 8 Pushups (including some w/a 3.5 year old on my back)

Wed AM: Easy Run
3 miles/27min/9:00Pace
Easy run in the snow, ice, and wind. Felt like going faster, probably because I was able to get out later in the morning, due to a snow day, and had already warmed up with a strength workout, but pulled in the reigns.

Thu AM: Wii Fit Yoga
30 minutes

Fri: Rest Day

Sat AM: Railrunner 10 miler
Warm Up: 1.01miles/8:48
10 miles/1:11/7:07 Pace
Will post a race report soon...

Sun AM: Reovery Run
4 miles/37min/9:20Pace
The weather was nice, mid 50s in the AM, and I wanted to take advantage of it by stretching out my legs. It definately felt like a recovery run, and my body is giving me signs that I need to take it easy.

Running Distance: 26 miles
Total Time Training: 4:50

Sunday, March 3, 2013

February 25 - March 3

Mon AM: Easy Run
3 miles/28min/9:22 Pace

Mon PM: Strength
Intervals: 3 sets of 12 for each/36 min total
1) Bulgarian Split Squats w/3sec pause @ bottom
2) Side Lunges w/3 sec pause @ bottom
3) Toyotas w/4 sec pause @ bottom
4) 1 Leg Russian Dead Lifts on Pillow

Tue AM: Mile Repeats
5.5 miles/48min/8:43 Pace
1600m x 3 @ HM pace, with 1 mile warm up and 800m jog between miles.
Didn't quite nail the splits: 7:41, 7:43, 7:58, which I think was in part due to the weather (wind & rain), early morning cobwebs, and recovering from previous evening's leg strength workout. However, it still felt quality.

Wed AM: Easy Run
3 miles/29min/9:40 Pace

Wed PM: Strength
Tabats/ 12 min.
1) Let Me Ups
2) Let Me Ins
3) Squats

Thurs AM: Temp Run
6.03 miles/50 minutes/8:17 pace
Easy warm up, gradual increase to a brief 10k pace, cool down. Nearly busted my ass when I was running at a about a 7 minute pace and stepped onto a wooden bridge that had frozed overnight.

Fri AM: Rest/Wii Fit Yoga
17 minutes of easy yoga on rest day.

Sat AM: HM Pace Run
6.51 miles/50 min/7:39 pace
1 mile warm up, 5 miles @ 7:20 pace, 1/2 mile cool down.

Sun AM: Long Run
11:34 miles/1:45 min/9:15 pace
Easy pace in below freezing, smowy weather. Had on 2 pairs of gloves and still had trouble keeping my hands warm, but overall it was a fun and solid run.              
Wintry Long Run
Distance: 35.38 miles
Total Time Training: 06:15

Half marathon training is progressing positively. My weekly mileage is gradually increasing and my body seems to be responding well. 35 miles in a week might not seem like a lot, but it is the most I have run since taking a break to recover from the Columbus Marathon back in October and it includes quality training runs as well as strength training . Next weekend I have the Railrunner 10 miler on my schedule.